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moneo edgeConnect FAQs and how-to videos

How do I connect my moneo system to the Microsoft Azure IoT Cloud?

Simply connected: Microsoft Azure IoT Hub Connector

Would you like to push your data from moneo into the cloud and process it there?

In our how to video, Matthias Betz, Product Manager moneo|edgeConnect, shows you how you can connect the cloud connector to your moneo system to get even more benefit from your data in the future.

In the video you can see how quickly and easily this works!

How can I connect my moneo system to the AWS IoT Core Connector to send data to the cloud?

simply connected: Amazon Web Services (AWS) IoT Core Connector

Do you want to push your data from moneo into the cloud and process it there?

In our how-to video, Matthias Betz, Product Manager moneo|edgeConnect, shows you how to connect your moneo system with the AWS IoT Core Connector and activate the data exchange to the cloud.

Quick and easy!

How to make my data available from moneo using OPC UA Server?

Simply connected: OPC UA Server

Do you want to share your data from moneo through an OPC UA Server and make it available to other systems?

In our how-to video, Matthias Betz, Product Manager of moneo|edgeConnect, demonstrates how you can transmit your information via an OPC UA Server, establish a connection to an external OPC UA Client, and provide your data to a third-party system.

Watch the video now and explore the possibilities!